s6/s6-rc policy for Gentoo: logging settings

From: Paul Sopka <psopka_at_sopka.ch>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:20:27 +0200

I have another basic decision to make, on which I am interested to hear
everybody's opinion.

Should every s6-log daemon have it's own config file or shall they all
share one?

My initial instinct on this was to put the global logging settings into
the env directory of s6-linux-init to have all of them available to
every logging daemon.

This would remove the overhead of having each of the s6-log scripts
source a config file.

Is there any general issue with the global env's from s6-linux-init's
env directory, which makes sourcing the same config file in every s6-log
script a better choice for a global config?

Thank you for your input.


Received on Thu Jul 11 2024 - 17:20:27 CEST

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