Re: s6/s6-rc policy for Gentoo: XDG Base Directory Specification

From: Paul Sopka <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:54:39 +0200

Thanks for the extensive answer.

Since I feel like we are more and more fighting about each others
wording and the answers consisting of quotations of each other get
longer and longer, I will try and summarize what we have now.

I hope you are fine with this.

My approach(see here:

- Forks the user-tree off the system-tree.

- Allows autostart of different bundles at different times (e.g.
directly at boot time) / login types (e.g. on ssh login, on graphical
login, ...).

- I still need to find/decide on a good solution for getting the env's
to the user's shell.

- Needs direct maintenance of the people responsible for the s6/s6-rc

- Adds the need for ~3 (when using s6-rc) system services to properly
handle user service tree creation and instantiation.


- Forks the user-tree off the turnstile process, directly related to the
login session.

- Austostarts the same user services on every login type, none on boot.

- Automatically exports env's to the user's shell.

- Needs close monitoring by the people responsible for the s6/s6-rc
overlay/profile or at least good connection between them and the
maintainer of the Turnstile ebuild, due to its tight integration.

- Handles user service tree creation itself.

Did I miss anything important?

Anyway, I will happily to continue this discussion, I think someone
criticizing my ideas as strongly as you do, is the best way to bring
their issues and flaws to light, so that I can solve them or even
realize that I am on the wrong track alltogether.

> Obarun Linux's 66 service manager (which is the one mentioned in the closed
> Turnstile issue you first commented on) also works with s6 user supervision
> trees spawned directly off of the system tree. You might want to study it.
Thank you, I will look into that!

> ...and you're probably tired of me shilling Turnstile :P.
No, not at all, I have learned a lot from your criticisms. Seriously,
keep going!

Have a nice Thursday!

Received on Thu Jul 11 2024 - 16:54:39 CEST

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