
The eltest program

eltest evaluates an expression and indicates the result via its exit status.


     eltest expression...

eltest acts as the generic POSIX test utility, but it diverges from the specification on how it parses ambiguous arguments: see below.

eltest supports all the standard test operands, plus all the extensions from GNU test, plus a few extensions from the test builtin from bash. The extensions to POSIX test are listed below.

eltest accepts an arbitrary number of arguments and, if the expression is valid, always returns the result of the expression no matter how complex it is.

Exit codes


eltest is not suitable as a Single Unix test program, due to the way it disambiguates between arguments and operators, see below. However, if you never use arguments that start with a backslash, or that have the same name as an existing operator, then eltest exhibits the same behaviour as test.

Extensions to POSIX

Argument disambiguation

Unlike test, which has different fixed syntax trees depending on the number of arguments it receives and has undefined behaviour when called with more than 5 arguments, eltest accepts any number of arguments and builds its syntax trees on the fly. This means that expressions such as -n = -n cannot be automatically disambiguated: eltest does not know that there are 3 arguments, so when it reads the first -n it assumes that it is a unary operator, then when it reads = it assumes it is the argument to -n, then when it reads the second -n it exits with a syntax error.

Doing otherwise would result in a combinatory explosion of possible syntax trees, making it easy for users to trigger unbounded RAM consumption, and turning a simple utility into a programming nightmare. This is why POSIX test is so restricted. But we don't want the same restrictions.

So, instead, eltest provides the user with a mechanism to make sure that operands are never mistaken for operators:

Note that these details are irrelevant to a huge majority of eltest use cases, because most of the time users only need a simple test such as eltest -r ${file} to check that $file is readable, and there's no possible ambiguity. So, don't panic over this.
