On 12/26/15 7:09 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> I'm making a thumb drive automounter using inotifywait piped into my
> Python program, which detects the proper CREATES and DELETES and
> automounts and autoumounts accordingly.
> Here's what I thought the run script would look like (runit dialect):
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /usr/bin/inotifywait /dev/disk | /usr/local/bin/automounter.py
> However, it was pointed out to me that if automounter.py crashed,
> inotifywait would keep spinning and shooting its voluminous stdout
> messages into the ether. And presumably the service wouldn't crash and
> restart.
> Is this doable in a way consistent with supervision suites?
> I completely understand that 95% of you think what I've suggested is a
> no-style kludge that shouldn't be done, and that I should use Python's
> inotify framework. This is a completely different discussion: I'm
> limiting my question to whether such a pipeline is, or can be made,
> consistent with things like daemontools-encore, s6, and runit.
I'm using rundeux from perp for exactly the same thing.
On side there is inotifywait process and on the other the script that
processes the events. It works perfectly.
Georgi Chorbadzhiyski | http://georgi.unixsol.org/ | http://github.com/gfto/
Received on Sun Dec 27 2015 - 06:34:46 UTC