On 19/04/2015 16:03, John Regan wrote:
> It's not quite the same, but I think Alpine linux is pretty close to
> what you're looking for. They'd probably love to get more people
> involved, writing documentation, making packages, etc. It doesn't use
> s6, but I've submitted the s6 packages to the project. Maybe you
> could work on adding s6 init scripts to packages?
Yes, I didn't mention Alpine because people who love Arch Linux
are often reluctant to try out distributions that don't do things
the same way as Arch - and some stuck to Arch after the change to
systemd, even though they themselves loathe systemd, because it's
Arch. :)
But I agree that Alpine Linux is close: they use musl, and AFAIK
they use runit as their init system. Which is good per se, and which
would probably make an s6 alternative rather painless.
If I ever have to install a distribution again, I'll probably go
with Alpine, unless something even better comes along.
Received on Sun Apr 19 2015 - 14:17:12 UTC